Thursday, April 06, 2006

helloooooo famiillllyyyy'ss!!! froooom geooorgetownnn!

well, right at this very second, i am drinking coconut pulp juice in my dorm room. I just got back from McDonalds and had a double cheeseburger with small chocolate shake and apple juice box.
this year is almost over and im not sure how to sum it all up. classes im taking-- post-communist politics, chinese economy, anciet chinese literature, and public speaking aaannnd public speaking. im making a C,A/B, ?, A, respectively. i think ill try a big push at the end of the semester to get em up. i had a great start to the baseball season but it ended with an irritating ankle injury. Im starting to work a little harder in school and everything else i do, so i guess im still getting readjusted to this way of life. im president of FCA and we just had a rally for this movement going around called Invisible Children. its just one of those things that goes around college campusses trying to save the world doing great noble things, which is what college is all about, joining movments and revolution for the sake of it riight? so we're right in the middle of it all, we had a discussion about our response to it in FCA tonight and it was great. so on the 26th a few crazy seniors got the crazy idea to walk from geogetown to austin and sleep out in the streets with teh rest of the country (only around college campusses-of course)- so im going with for no other reason than for an adventure. we plan to leave at 4/5 in the morning and walk allthewaythere.

I had last weekend off from bb so i went to a formal with a girl. here's a picture - the only picture I have to show, bc the only pictures i have are the ones people take of me and send me, -candid.
yes, i got a haircut, ive got mostly positive responses, so its ok, i havent buzzed it yet like ive promised everyone.
Im taking a maymester in political science so i can graduate easily with a political science major but working on an economics minor, we'll see about that. after june, ill see what flies my way, maybe an independent study, possibly another class, a mindless job, riding horses across the counrtyside-whatever, and im still counting on that family reunion at camp meeting!

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