Thursday, June 01, 2006

Some Lyrics

Here are the lyrics to a song from an old white guy, rapper/poet ....T Bone Burnett:

Blinded by the Darkness

The laws of man
They don't carry the same weight as the laws of God
Or the laws of nature. In the nomenclature

Do we want to inject the concept of sin
Into the Constitution. Is this really necessary
Does this not make you somewhat wary
Shouldn't sin be left to the laws of God
And to the laws of nature
Can we trust this to the legislature

And shall we trust sin to the wisdom
Of the criminal justice system
Which can't handle the criminals we have now
Why create a whole new class of them

Isn't crime dealt with by the laws of man
Isn't sin dealt with by the laws of God

If sin were dealt with by the laws of man
Everybody would be in jail for life in solitary confinement
With no one to go his bail. Or would have gotten death
Maybe I should save my breath
But this lunacy is bound to fail

But there would be no one to get the food
Or run the machines. Mercy on us dude

You shine your darkness on me
I am blinded by the darkness

In seven days God created evolution
When shall I expect retribution
From the counter revolution

You shine your darkness on me
I am blinded by the darkness

Not terrible profound, but kind of interesting. I wish I could link you to the song, but I think that might be illegal!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's some good stuff. i need to get me some of that t bone burnett. seems to me to line up pretty closely to what jesus would say. he is saying the state should not legislate morality, right? what do you guys think of that?