Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Family Blog

This is a spectacular idea. I hope everyone will take a few minutes and learn how to participate. It will be a great way to keep up with what is going on with everyone. We had a good visit with everyone in Aledo. 17 people last night. Seemed a bit like a refuge camp with people sleeping everywhere. Introduced Dave W to spinner. The whole experience may have been a bit of culture shock for him. We had a nice fire in the chimenea (?) and today the weather was perfect. Several of us ate breakfast out on the deck. I will try to post a few pics tomorrow.

- woody

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds pretty nice. we had fun in shanghai. and the weather finally warmed up some, though it was not "eat breakfast out on the deck weather".we made quesadillas, jello pudding, mashed sweet potatoes, potato salad, homemade sour cream, baked chicken and duck,and brocolli. not bad compared to what we usually eat (takeout Chinese for US$0.75).