Wednesday, February 22, 2006

a quote stolen from brent's blog

"Sin is more than turning our backs on God, it is turning our backs on life! Immorality is much more than adultery and dishonesty; it is living drab, colorless, dreary, stale, unimaginative lives. The greatest enemy of Christianity may be people who say they believe in Jesus but who are no longer astonished and amazed. Jesus Christ came to rescue us from listlessness as well as lostness.He came to save us from flat souls as well as corrupted souls.He came to save us from dullness. Our culture is awash in immorality and drowning in dullness.We have forgotten how to dance, how to sing, and how to laugh.We have allowed technology to beat our imaginations into submission and have become tourists rather than travelers. Television dominates our time, alters our values, numbs us to life in all of its wildness.We have been stunted by mediocrity."

-Mike Yaconelli

Brent's blog.

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