Tuesday, February 21, 2006

SR's bday. i made a cake!

SR's bday was on February 13 (many of you may note that that is the day before Valentine's day). She got a new cell phone for her bday; otherwise we just took it easy. we cooked dinner and i baked a cake. it was my first time making a cake from scratch. thanks to mom and dad for the betty crocker cook book. so it took me most of an afternoon, but i thought it was pretty good. SR decorated it. with some chocolate sauce and strawberries. most chinese cakes have a lot of fruit on them.

i saw lindy say she spends a lot of her time baking. so do we. we cook almost every night now. we rotate chinese and western. SR is usually in charge of chinese with me assisting, and michael is in charge of western.


1 comment:

mg said...

hello, test.. test.. 123